Thursday, March 4, 2010

You Should Have Known By Now, You Were On My List

I don't know if I will ever get married.
My list of demands is just so... detailed and specific.
Also, I am only 20, so I could just keep adding stuff to this list.

My future husband:
--Kills spiders by squishing AND flushing them and will do so at all hours of the day/night.
--Loves scary movies regardless of the quality
--Doesn't mind adopting children rather than having our own
--Knows me well enough to get me a silver/white gold/platinum ring, NO GOLD
--Will allow me to have the wedding in Lucerne (up lake from Chelan)
--Doesn't mind puking children, I can handle changing diapers but I lose it when people throw up
--Supports me having a job or making as much/more money than him
--Does not smoke cigarettes/chew
--Likes my family/is liked by my family specifically Jenna/mom/dad
--Hates winter and will live somewhere where it is sunny year round
--Loves to travel and will sacrifice nice cars/expensive shit to do so
--Likes to read
--Wants a cat and a dog
--Does not wear Ed Hardy/Affliction or spend more time on his hair than I do
--Falls asleep to TV
--Accepts only 2 days a week devoted to Sports programming
--Allows me to act like a 7 year old when I'm sick
--Knows how/likes to cook and will do so a majority of the time

Who would want to marry someone that makes a list like that?


  1. I don't think this is really unreasonal I fall asleep in front of the T.V. all the time. But I wonder what prompted you to write this?

  2. Kacie, most girls have a list like that- even if it's just in their heads- I'm with you though, I like writing them down.

  3. Yeah, that list actually seems pretty, well, manageable. And, also in agreement with Bill, what prompted you to write this?

  4. I told you that was allowed! and you told me I could steal it!
