Sunday, January 24, 2010

Plastic Cup Politics

This is the continuation of my last blog post. It helps to read the first and get some background!

When my sister was a Junior in high school she moved her room out into the garage side room. We had been fostering Jenna's friend Lindsay for a few months. Jenna and Lindsay had all the freedom in the world.

One day, I recall seeing Jenna crying on the stairs in our foyer. Mom was giving a look that was hard to read. Dad asked what was wrong and mom said, "Well obviously she was on the list."

I was confused, but I didn't want to interrupt this not-so-warm family moment to ask what the hell was going on. Lindsay later admitted she was on the list too, which was assumed.

Finally, after a series of tense conversations that I failed to eavesdrop on effectively, my sister and Lindsay led me into their room to explain.

That weekend there had been a party at the Caravel, a hotel just down the street from our house. Jenna and Lindsay had attended. At the party there were a few kids that didn't normally run in those circles, and at least one of them was spying for the high school. Yes, the administration in Chelan really is THAT stereotypical and pathetic. Like a Lifetime movie.

"The List" was the one that the principal was given by the party imposter. Several students had already been called in to the office to tell their side of the story, and one had tipped off Jenna and Lindsay that they were indeed on it.

Naturally they were called in, and both of them were punished. Jenna was involved in so many things, including cheerleading, FBLA, FCCLA, student government, Honor Society, and Junior Miss. She was kicked out of each organization. She had signed an honor code, and she knew the risks, but the backlash she faced was ridiculous. One teacher, who ran the school website and yearbook, attempted to photoshop her out of any picture she was in representing a club or sport. The gossip got around and some of her friends were forbidden from hanging out with her. A matter that should have been private and discreet turned into public humiliation.

Jenna's reputation was soiled, and in a small town it took no time for everyone to find out what had happened. So Jenna got kind of depressed. Instead of doing the work necessary to regain entry to her many involvements, Jenna started partying more often and just generally saying "Fuck it and fuck you."

My parents struggled to discipline her because she was already so unhappy, and the pressure for me to stay out of trouble multiplied.

Gossip is one of the most poisonous parasites imaginable. Even if I hadn't grown up in a small town, I would have dealt with it. It is a fact of life.

I watched myself fall victim to this parasite when I would repeat secrets that I had promised not to. Secrets that weren't mine. I never went to far as to make something up, but I know others do.

Gossip has taken a turn for the worse in the technological age. There are entire CHANNELS on tv that focus on celebrity personal lives. Myspace and Facebook have added to our ability to spread rumors at lightspeed.

But then sometimes, gossip can be a helpful thing.

Take into consideration the first day of Christmas break this year. My parents called me soon after my final to ask if I could assist them in taking care of my nephews over the break. With one parent in jail and the other in the hospital from an overdose, my nephews were removed from their family and placed into ours.

I come from humble beginnings, I'm not poor, but I am frugal.
Suddenly my nearly-retired parents were caring for 3 boys under the age of 6, who came with nothing but the clothes on their back. However, because of gossip, friends and coworkers began donating diapers, formula, toys and clothes to us by the box. My family has never been the type to ask for the things we need help with, but we were so blessed to receive the help.

I feel that overall, gossip is a negative thing, but maybe we just need to be more weary of what we are truly saying.

1 comment:

  1. When I first read this I thought, "Where are the pretty cups? The red ones, the blue ones, the ones from the Tomcat Murr?" Then I realized it said "plastic cups",...haha.

    Rumours/gossip really are parasites, but one that we have so much control over.
