Thursday, February 11, 2010

Maybe Baby I Just Wanna Forget

Ok, so abortion isn't funny.
But "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia" is.

I figured this one would need a humorous beginning because it's heavy stuff.

Let's just put it out there: I'm pro-choice. I have never been pregnant, so in the event of a pregnancy there is no way for me to predict what I would do. I just know that I would want the option of abortion and I don't think I or anyone else has the right to take that option away from others.

More than likely, I would have an abortion if I got pregnant in high school or college. It's not something I take lightly, because I protect myself and there is no reason I should ever get pregnant anyways. But any time I enter a physical relationship, I have to talk about my options, and think about them.

If I were to get pregnant soon after college, I would be like this girl:

Adoption is a good option to have. I don't intend to ever be pregnant and have always wanted to adopt myself. I think that having an overpopulated world and unfit parents who are looking for better lives for their children, it is the responsible thing to do.

After my last blog post, I was challenged on plurk:
awritedesign asked: what about those who don't want a baby, have the education and the resources, but don't have the control to "wrap it up" all the time?

First I say, if you don't have the control to wrap it up, get on the pill or the patch or the shot or what have you.

Second, I think if you have the means to take care of a child but don't want one, your options should be the same as those who do not have the means. I may not agree with them all, but ultimately it is not my decision or business to make those decisions for others.

I think prevention is ultimately the best option, and if you're not responsible enough to protect yourself then you shouldn't be having sex. Plain and simple.

I think that ultimately it is a personal decision, between the mother and father, in some cases just the mother.

I don't know why this topic is one that I kind of obsess over, as I said I have never been pregnant. Maybe it's because I always wanted to adopt, even before the nephews proved my point. The fact that I don't have that "mom" gene, the one that makes me want my OWN child, has always perplexed me. It doesn't bother me, but I do find it strange that the desire is completely absent to be pregnant.

Anyways, this was rambly, and unfortunately late (thanks for forgiveness Tony).

But! I will post double bloggage this week!


  1. Of course! It is something to realize this at your age. I feel that because of your experiences you have a unique view on this that many don't.

  2. When I was 19, I didn't want to have children, I wanted to be the aunt. Three years later I met the man who was going to be my husband and I saw our unborn children in his eyes as cliche as it sounds. We were married two years into our relationship and in our third year we got pregnant by choice. My point is, I didn't think I had the mom gene either but it was because I hadn't met the man with the dad gene.

    Because of my want to not want children, I held off on having sex for a long time, (much longer than my friends, it was odd to graduate high school as a virgin). But pregnancy is preventable and I agree with you 100% that a woman should have a choice whether or not to have a child.

    The main point of this ramble is I know where you are coming from and pondered it many nights. Later in life when you are in a position to have children, I commend you if you adopt.
